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Can I connect multiple cards to my OKTO account?

You can link more than one cards to your OKTO account.

To add your first card:

1. Select ‘Αdd Money’ from the Home screen
2. Tap on the ‘Card’ option
3. Tap ‘Αdd New Card’ and confirm the message
4. Select if the funds to be deposited are going to be used for gaming or non-gaming activities.
5. Select or type the transaction amount and then
6. Tap on the ‘Top Up’ button
7. Insert the card details: 16 digit number, Expiry Date and CVV code.

To add additional cards:

1. Select ‘Αdd Money’ from the Overview screen
2. Tap on the ‘Card’ option
3. Tap ‘Add money with new card’
4. Select if the funds to be deposited are going to be used for gaming or non-gaming activities.
5. Select or type the transaction amount and then
6. Tap on the ‘Top Up’ button
7. Insert the card details: 16 digit number, Expiry Date and CVC code.

Funds deposited for non-gaming cannot be used for gaming & betting activities while funds deposited for gaming can be used for every type of activity.

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