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Why I cannot verify my address?

You will be asked to verify your address, once you initiate the process to raise your limits from level 1 (Standard) to level 2 (Premium). There are a few more steps that you need to complete such as responding to a brief questionnaire and filling in your address details. You will also need to upload proof of address. Once we run a check and approve it, you will receive a message confirming that you successfully raised your limits.

In case your verification attempt fails, please consider the following:

1. Make sure that there are no typos or any other mismatch between the information you shared with us and the way your address is written on the submitted document.
2. The address as appears on the doc should be exactly the same as the address you declare, and it should also be written identically.
3. Abbreviations, use of Latin characters instead of the local alphabet, typos on postal codes can obstruct the validation process.
4. There is an option to take a close, clear and readable shot of the proof of address document directly in app or alternatively upload a .pdf file

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